15″ Red Nylon Tubular Tug


  • 15″ long, 4″ circumference
  • Enough room for both hands to hold the tug
  • Easy to go in pockets
  • Strong but not so hard that it causes teeth problems
  • Amish hand-made in the USA
SKU: #TOY0001004DD* Category:


To use a tug as an obedience reward the dog must learn to consistently out when asked to release. To accomplish that we have to completely immobilize the tug and lock it up as we ask the dog to release. That can’t happen when a handler is holding the tug by the handles. The dog can jerk it around and get pleasure from that movement. These tugs are smooth – without handles, they easily slide into and out of a back pocket or training vest. These tugs are not intended to be chew toys and can be damaged when a dog is left unsupervised with them. User discretion is advised. This is a tug that is recommended for dogs that have already started tug training. Small puppies work better on jute or the tugs made from linen.

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Black, Red, Red With Pawprint